
Decontamination of the reservoir of Flix.

Tecnomix ® complete the project line oxidation of sludge contaminated the reservoir of Flix


The Flix reservoir holds a large amount of contaminated sludge from the activity of chemical facilities settled since the early twentieth century on the right bank of the river. Decontamination works, including the Law 11/2005, and declared of public interest, urgent priority, include the collection, processing, transportation and disposal in landfill of contaminated waste.

Wastes that belong to three main groups: organ chlorinated, heavy metals (mainly mercury) and radionuclides are accumulated mainly on the right bank of the reservoir along a 1300m facade of the factory and 300 m water beyond.

This project runs Acuamed(Aguas de las Cuencas Mediterraneas, sociedad estatal dependiente del Ministerio de Medio ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino)  through a joint venture with FCC Construcción-FCC Ámbito, is a global investment 150 million, including Land Restitution Plan, and is running under stringent safety and security measures,the result of agreements reached between all institutions and agencies, especially with the Generalitat de Catalunya.

* published on 13/04/2012