Waste treatment
Inerting waste. Chemical oxidation. Recycling.
We build, install and start up complete plants for waste treatment using the inertisation system. They include the ensiling of waste (sludge, ash, etc.), dosing systems for batch or continuous processes, weighing systems, continuous or discontinuous inertised systems, evacuation of the inertised product, gas capture or washing, central control for the entire facility, etc.
The plants can be designed for the treatment of several types of waste (primarily aimed at managers) or plants adapted to manufacturing processes which generate a single waste product.
In discontinuous treatment processes for dry waste or for dense sludge, the Tecnomix® inertisers with a reinforced vertical axle and a rotating barrel are the most suitable.
For continuous processes, the system is optimised with the use of horizontal axis mixers and special blades. The main application is the treatment of pumpable sludge deriving from industrial processes and polluting leachates.